WaPoDe members
Smilja Marković (Principal investigator)
Dr. Smilja Marković holds a permanent position as a Principal Research Fellow at ITS SASA. She is an expert in processing and characterization of metal oxide and perovskite catalytic materials. During more than 20-years long professional career she participated in four projects funded by The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, several bilateral projects between Republic of Serbia and Republic of Slovenia, and three COST actions. During the period 2011-2019 she had led the subproject “Nanostructured sintered materials with
enhanced properties and functionally graded materials” within the national project III45004 “Molecular designing of nanoparticles with controlled morphological and physico-chemical characteristics and functional materials based on them”. In the period 2012-2013, Dr. Marković was the coordinator of the bilateral project between Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Slovenia, entitled “Nanostructural Designing of Multifunctional and Sintered Electrical and Biological Functionally Graded Materials”. Dr. Marković has published 104 research articles in international journals, and one patent registered in The Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia (No. 54574). During the years she supervised 4 PhD students, 7 master students and act as an external examiner of 3 PhD thesis. Due to a specific experience in processing of defects in a crystal structure, tailoring of surface-to-bulk defect ratio, and a large number of characterization technique she dealt with, her skills are an advantage for the project.
Ivana Stojković Simatović
Dr. Ivana Stojković Simatović is Associate Professor at the Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade. Prof. Stojković Simatović is electrochemists with more than 15 years’ experience. Beside basic electrochemistry, she also dealt with electro- and photoelectro-catalysis as well as corrosion. She is a co-author of 29 papers published in international journals and 4 patents registered in The Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia.
Ana Stanković
Dr. Ana Stanković is a Research Associate at ITS SASA. She is an expert in processing and characterization of metal oxide materials, with a large experience in photo- and photo-electro catalysis. She dealt with synthesis procedures such as: hydrothermal, solvothermal, microwave, sonochemical and mechanochemical processing. She published 10 papers.
Jelena Belošević-Čavor
Dr. Jelena Belošević-Čavor is a permanent staff of the Laboratory for nuclear and plasma physics at the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences (VINS), which is oriented to fundamental research in nuclear and condensed matter physics and materials science. She was participant and coordinator in several projects funded by The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, as well as in bilateral projects between Republic of Serbia and Slovenia and between Republic of Serbia and Portugal. Currently she participates in bilateral project between Republic of Serbia and India. Her expertise is in ab initio calculations of the electronic, structural and dynamic properties of materials, using DFT-based methods and molecular dynamics, in which she has published 61 research articles in international journals and collaborated with the researchers from all over the world.
Dragan Toprek
Dr. Dragan Toprek is a researcher with more than 20 years of experience in the field of accelerator physics, who switched to condensed matter physics 9 years ago, working mainly ab initio calculations of electronic, optical, magnetic and mechanical properties of crystals and atomic clusters. He has large international research experience and was project coordinator of two bilateral collaborations, “Ion-optical development for nuclear structure and reaction experiments in storage rings” (VINCA- GSI (Germany)) and “Nuclear structure around doubly magic nuclei. The astrophysical p-process and the alpha capture cross section“ (VINCA - GANIL (France)).
Valentin Ivanovski
Dr. Valentin Ivanovski is an expert in Mӧssbauer spectroscopy and its application for studying superconductors and thermoelectrics, who lately started working also in the field of ab initio calculations. He has published 46 research articles in international journals and has collaborated with the leading expert in the field of superconductivity Dr. Čedomir Petrović from Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA.
Nebojša Labus
Dr. Nebojša Labus is a Principal Research Fellow at ITS SASA with more than 20 years of experience in the field of sintering, dilatometry, mechano-chemical processing, titanate and ferrite binary oxides, lithium germanium phosphate glasses and humidity sensors. He published more than 40 scientific papers.
Srečo Davor Škapin
prof. Srečo Davor Škapin is Scientific Counselor, Associate Professor of Materials Science at the IPC Jožef Stefan, and Lecturer at Polymer Technology College in Slovenj Gradec. His research interests are in the field of:
Ceramic materials: high temperature phase relations in oxide systems, development of new dielectric ceramic formulations and new inorganic compounds, characterization of ceramic materials, measurements of dielectric properties;
Colloidal and nanochemistry; preparation, characterization and further functionalisation of organic nanoparticles
Biomineralisation: Influence of proteins (enzymes) on crystallization, morphology and surface characteristics of carbonates.
Vladimir Tomašević
Dr. Vladimir Tomašević FRSA is Full Professor at the Faculty of Engineering Management, University Union – Nikola Tesla in Belgrade. Prof. Tomašević is leading expert in integration of manufacturing and R&D processes, technology transfer from R&D onto mass production scale, weaponizing technologies and project management. With his experience, Dr. Tomašević will help to establish and maintain collaboration between scientists and stakeholders organized in small and medium-sized enterprises. He is also able to transfer developed technology and device prototype onto market.
Ljiljana Veselinović
Dr. Ljiljana Veselinović is a Senior Research Associate at ITS SASA. With BSc and MSc in crystallography and PhD in physical-chemistry, Dr. Veselinović holds valuable knowledge about correlation of crystal structure and functional properties of materials. During 17 years of career Dr. Veselinović become an expert in X-ray diffraction, neutron powder diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. She published 33 papers where she analyzed crystal structure of different optical, electrical, magnetic, and bio-inspired materials.
Katarina Aleksić
Katarina Aleksić, Junior Researcher, is a PhD student joined ITS SASA and Dr. Marković’s group in February 2021. She is engaged in the development of materials with improved photo (electro) catalytic properties, as well as selective electrochemical sensors for the detection of pollutants, namely composites ZnO@RuO2, ZnO@GO and ZnO@BaTiO3. She published one paper.
Vasil Koteski
Dr. Vasil Koteski is a permanent staff at the VINS and a close collaborator of Dr. Belošević-Čavor. He is an expert in theoretical modelling of materials and EXAFS spectroscopy. He gained experience in a leading German research institution, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fur Materialien und Energie and obtained his PhD Degree under the supervision of Dr. H.-E. Mahnke. He continued his research in VINS working in many different fields, including the physics of superconductors, where he has collaborated with the leading expert in the field Dr. Čedomir Petrović from Brookhaven
National Laboratory, USA.
Ana Umićević
Dr. Ana Umićević is a permanent staff in the Laboratory for nuclear and plasma physics at the VINS and a collaborator of Dr. Belošević-Čavor. She is engaged in condensed matter physics experimental methods (XRD, SEM, XPS) with strong expertise in the Mössbauer effect, X-ray absorption techniques applications and Time Differential Perturbed Angular Correlation (TDPAC) spectroscopy. She is the coordinator of the bilateral project between Republic of Serbia and India entitled “Study of the local structure of Zirconium based Laves phases for batteries applications”. The wide research area encompass: intermetallics, superalloys, magnetic and ceramic nanocomposites, hydrogen economy. She is a co-author of 35 research articles in eminent peer-reviewed international journals and has established international collaboration with researchers from Germany, Romania and Czech Republic.
Ana Kapidžić
Dr. Ana Kapidžić joined Dr. Belošević-Čavor’s group five years ago, after obtaining PhD title in biophysics and since then was mainly involved in Mossbauer spectroscopy measurements. She has published eight research articles in international journals.
Luka Latinović
Luka Latinović is a final year PhD student and teaching assistant at the Faculty of Engineering Management, University Union - Nikola Tesla in Belgrade. His research subjects are in the field of environmental engineering with a special interest in waste water treatments, waste management, and innovative materials and their application. In parallel, he does research in the field of neural network application. He published more than 25 scientific conference / journal papers.