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Institutions behind the Project

Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA (ITS SASA)


Institute of Technical Sciences of SASA (ITS SASA) was founded in 1947. In 2022 has 34 employees, 30 of whom are included in research; 27 associates are holders of the PhD degree, 3 PhD students. On January 2024, number of papers published on SCI list is 1226, with 19756 citation and h-index 63. The research activities of the Institute are carried out through a number of fundamental research, technology development programs and intensive collaboration with numerous eminent scientists and institutions worldwide. The considerable interest of the Institute is in the integration of research, education and innovation. Today, the modern Centre in the field of materials science and engineering with basic programs is directed to the new materials synthesis by powder processing and nanotechnology. Having identified the relevance of the global power crisis and environmental pollution, participants from ITS SASA have the research focus on both development (synthesis and characterization) and enhancement of multifunctional nanostructured materials, biomaterials, sensor systems and photovoltaic power sources, as well as the storage of power obtained from those sources.

Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences (VINS)


Owing to its size, scientific productivity, international reputation in research and the quality of its scientific personnel and research facilities, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences (VINS) is leading National Institute of the Republic of Serbia. It employs more than 500 researchers and PhD students, working on multidisciplinary projects in fundamental and applied research. Founded in 1948 as the Institute of Physics and a nuclear science research center, its research activities diversified as it grew, so nowadays its program has changed towards non-nuclear issues, but it still remained a leading institution in Serbia for nuclear sciences and technologies. VINS is a member of the University of Belgrade and is involved in conducting of postgraduate and doctoral studies. It has 14 laboratories which cover different areas of physics, chemistry, biology, materials science, energy technologies and environmental protection and generates, on average 11% of all papers in Serbia published in journals from SCI list. Participants from VINS are holder of significant knowledge about electronic structure calculations which is also one of WaPoDe project cores.


Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade (FFHUB)

Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade (FFHUB) has an over a century long tradition in higher education. Undergraduate and postgraduate studies are famous and highly respected for their excellence; 1500 graduates and almost a quarter of them accomplished PhD with successful research and academic careers. All the members of the teaching stuff take part in the research projects, dealing with development of new technologies and materials which requires application of multidisciplinary skills. Faculty members collaborate with many prestigious universities and research institutions from all over the world realized through many international research projects. WaPoDe project participant from FFHUB belongs to the reputable Belgrade School of Electrochemistry and with her knowledge and experience will help in developing of electrochemical sensors.

School of Engineering Management


School of Engineering Management, University Union – “Nikola Tesla” (FIM UNION) was founded by a group of young renowned scientists, who acquired titles at world-famous universities and returned to Serbia from University of Cambridge, London, Stanford, Potsdam, Cornell and Rutgers. The FIM UNION has a leading position among higher education institutions in development of manufacturing and production processes, engineering skills, reengineering R&D processes, and creating cross sector technology transfer. It has large alumni network of educated personnel capable of developing and working in responsible positions in the most demanding high-tech companies in Serbia. Today, with over 150 employees, 200 research partners, and a network with over 1000 cross industry experts included in research, it is the only institution with PhD programs: Engineering and Management of Strategic Security Systems, and Waste Management in the region. With their knowledge and large experience participants from FIM UNION will help to establish cooperation between WaPoDe and industrial representatives (stakeholders) organized in small and medium-sized enterprises.

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